It was fun to have Bob & Cindy, Brian & Mericar and Mericar's brother and sister join us, along with about 100 -150 others...quite the crowd! I always worry about having enough refreshments, but with pot-luck goodies there always seems to be enough.
On Christmas Eve we had Grandpa & Grandma Ehlert join us, along with two of Matt's co-workers visiting from India. Sentil is Hindu and Mary is Catholic and they both sang Christmas carols and read the Nativity story along with us. We gave them the hats as a souvenir for them to take home. A memorable evening!
A "storybook" Christmas Day with snow coming down all day and into the evening.
A big treat was sky-ping with Daniel for about an hour. Matt's letting him say "hi" to Cinder the cat.
We had two backpacking tents set up in the basement for Matt to choose between a 2 man or a 3 man size.
How beautiful is this?! All hands on deck helping to prepare Christmas dinner. It turned out to be pretty gourmet.
Matt made a generous offer to donate his collection of Star Wars action figures to Primary Children's Hospital's annual fundraiser, "The Festival of Trees". That sent the two of us on a wild shopping spree the day after Christmas. We decided to use a star theme with the colors of silver, blue and black. Please share any ideas of how to create a Star Wars Christmas Tree. We need 'em!
A fun mother/daughter holiday date...on our way to the Nutcracker Ballet!
Clark and Jenna stayed with us during the holidays enjoying a well-deserved break from medical school. They joined in on making the Lion House's famous taffy.

It was so great doing a service project together as a family. On the Saturday before Christmas we were able to help distribute gifts to some of the 1,000 plus needy families and then take down shelving that was used for the bags of gifts. It was a well-organized project, called "Angel Tree", sponsored by the Salvation Army.
What a fun Christmas house! I'm coming next year! Love to all your sweet family.