Rebecca and her friend Andrew threw a "Friendsgiving" party for 20 plus friends.
Our family Thanksgiving dinner included G&G Ehlert, Paul's brother Richard & his wife JoDel, and neighbors Ed and Alex Brennan.
We loved being together with family and friends.
Checking out the ads for Black Friday.
Look who volunteered to do the dishes.

Grandma Ehlert reads to Grandpa for hours every day. She says that they are both getting too close to the "final exam" to read anything but Church magazines, manuals, books and of course the Scriptures.
Dad going in for the kiss. We decided against this pose because Pam looks a bit dwarfed by her tall bro's
I'm truly grateful for this wonderful family that I get to share life with.
Elder Ehlert
Daniel says that he is working out every morning, so he's gained some weight. Plentiful meals from the Sheridan ward members have added some pounds as well.
Dear family, November 3, 2014
This week has been a good one. We went to Gillette again, this time to see Meet the Mormons. Our mission president came from Rapid to show it to us. It is an amazing movie, and I think it is perfect for nonmembers. It doesn't talk about beliefs much, but that's what we're here for. After the theatrical run, we will have special pass along cards to use in finding situations. It will be on Netflix, which will be good so members can show their friends easily. We were able to have interviews with our mission president as well, and that was good. From what he told Elder Autrey, it seems he will leave this transfer, which is the 22nd. Speaking of the 22nd, a recent convert family in our ward have reached their year mark, and they are getting their endowments and sealing that day! It's so exciting to see the joy they feel, and they are super members.
Today we got our first real snowstorm since the small one in September. It's a little chilly, and the high temp tomorrow is 15 degrees. Luckily I have some long underwear, sweaters, and a coat. We have had a real mild fall here, with temps in high 60s for the past couple weeks. But I think it will stay cold here for a while, which isn't super exciting, but at least I'm more accustomed to it than my companion from Texas. It's close to 80 where he lives this time of year.
The most exciting thing this week is our new investigator! After a couple weeks of trying to find people to teach, we now have a golden investigator, who is good friends with a member, has been to church for 4 consecutive weeks, downloaded the hymns and gospel library apps onto her phone, and has been reading the Book of Mormon on her own. Her name is Skylar. We taught her the Restoration, and after, she said "Do you feel that? Do you feel the same way I do?" We were able to testify of the Spirit and let her know that He is telling her what she has heard is true. We're so excited for her, and she is so prepared to hear the gospel.
That's about it for this week, Jacob and Erin are doing great! They are both worthy to take the sacrament now, and are working on getting temple recommends before they go down to Colorado for Thanksgiving to do baptisms for the dead there with Erin's family. They had an interview with Bishop yesterday, and Jacob will get the Priesthood on the 16th! We're so excited and happy for both of them! Thanks for all the prayers and support, I love you! The picture is of our zone in Gillette. My companion is the redhead sitting on the left in the front row.
Elder Ehlert
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