A sampling of some of the fruits and veggies from our garden and yard. Obviously the carrots didn't get thinned. It's too hard for me to pull a living thing out of the ground.
Making grape juice thanks to generous neighbors who offered their grapes.
Holly Nelson and I agree that it's so much more fun canning with a friend. We bottled 38 quarts and managed to let only one steamer burn dry. Cleaning that up took more work than the grape juice!
I'm not the only one working hard. Paul has hauled and placed more rock and wheelbarrows full of dirt than he wants to remember. With the help of Bob's and Ben's muscles and expertise, three beautiful retaining walls were built and plumbed, ready for planting the greenery.
Dear family, September 22, 2014
This week has been a good one. Our lessons dropped a bit, but we did a lot of service. We gave 2 blessings with a member, painted a shed, moved heavy antique furniture, helped at the food bank twice, laid sod, and cleaned the church building. The sod was fun, and it reminded me of the day we put our sod in. It was fun to lay it out in squares, then to cut it with a steak knife where it didn't fit or needed to be a different shape. We have family history time every week on Wednesdays, and I've been using that time to trace my lineage back as fas as I can, and in the process, find names to take to the temple. The names I found are pretty far back, and it didn't have much information about them, but they're family, and they need the ordinances done. Hopefully I can find more names to send you a ll to help with in the temple.
We also helped with the Third Thursday activity, operating a family history booth on Main Street. We were actually on exchanges during that time, so I was with Elder Johnson instead of Elder Autrey. Elder Rasmussen and I are from the same district in the MTC, and during the exchange, we both had some practice taking over the area. Elder Johnson decided to do that because in about 3 weeks, I'll most likely be training a new missionary.
We haven't been able to teach as many lessons as we usually do, because of all the service, but we were able to contact a referral, and teach Jacob's sister Tori. We have also been helping Lannah in her quest back to Christ. She's been having a rough time, and we're grateful that we are here to help her and get her back on the path. Also, Jacob and Erin are back! They've been gone a whole month. Jacob doesn't want to work out of state anymore, because he wants to be with his family more. He told his boss that if he isn't put on a local crew, he's quitting. So now he's on a local crew, which is awesome! He'll be able to come to church with us every week now! We have had some awesome lessons with him, and he told us he is going to finish the Book of Mormon by October 18th. We taught a lesson on why God requires His ordinances, and how it all is a progression towards eternal families, because that's what Jacob and Erin both want. We committed him to be baptized on October 11th, and he's trying to finish the Book of Mormon by that date now. We're excited for him, and we really have seen him become happier as he makes changes in his life. He hasn't had any tobacco since he quit, but he's on a "tobacco-less tobacco". He's expressed that he wants to get off that as well.